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Conferences / Talks / Seminars (since 2012)

[Dec-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; A new dynamical framework of the Besançon galaxy model in the era of large spectroscopic surveys. Gaia-ESO Survey Third Science Meeting: 1-4 December 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania. (talk): Pdf

Abstract: We develop a new dynamical approach based on the Besancon galaxy model (BGM) reproducing the three-dimensional structures of the Milky Way, and keeping its predecessor scheme, based on the local dynamical self-consistency introduced by Bienayme+1987. The contributions of the triaxial bar described in Robin+2012, the two components of the thick disk introduced by Robin+2014, the central mass modeled by a Plummer sphere and the double power-law for the stellar halo (Fernandez-Trincado, in prep.), are added. The renewed dynamical version of the BGM has been constructed with the aim to model the kinematics for the above structures, according to new density laws updated from analyses the 2MASS and SDSS surveys. In this sense, a complete and realistic dynamical model of the Milky Way is currently being prepared to interprete the upcoming six-dimensional phase-space data set produced by the Gaia-ESO survey, Gaia space mission, APOGEE survey, and others.

[Nov-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado; An X-shape structure in the Milky Way?.Séminaires de l'Institut UTINAM, Jeudi 5 novembre 2015, France. (seminar): Pdf

[Aug-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Preparing the 6D phase-space of the Besançon Galaxy Model. Third Gaia Challenge Workshop: August 31 to September 04, 2015, Barcelona. (talk): Pdf

Abstract: We have started to prepare the Besançon Galaxy Model for the exquisite 6D phase-space data set that will be produced by the GAIA space mission. To do end, three-dimensional (3D) Galactic structures have been assembled to construct a more realistic kinematics model of the Milky Way, and have been constrained from APOGEE-DR12 and 2MASS data.

[Apr-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado; Besançon Galaxy Model (BGM): Structure and dynamics of the Milky Way. Seminar for PhD students at UTINAM, France. e-print: .key and (seminar): Pdf

[Nov-2014] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Potential of the Galaxy from the Besançon Galaxy Model including the triaxial bar. Second Gaia Challenge Workshop: 27-31 (Mon-Fri) October 2014, Germany. e-print: Pdf and (talk): Summary

Abstract: We present a preliminary attempt to include a bar potential in the previously axisymmetric potential of the Besancon Galaxy model (hereafter BGM; Robin et al. 2003, 2012), consistently with the mass model. The contribution of the triaxial bar is modeled by superposition of four homogeneous ellipsoids to approximate the observed density law (Freudenreich 1998). Finally, we have computed the field forces and potential according to the methodology described by Pichardo et al. (2004) in order to constraint the total mass of the Milky Way. We shall present the new fit to the rotation curve and constraints on the dark halo shape. This new approach allows us to use the new dynamical constraints (old BGM + triaxial bar) and predictions of kinematics and comparison with upcoming large-scale survey such as RAVE, BRAVA, APOGEE, and GAIA in the near future.

[Jun-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Mapping optically variable QSOs towards the Galactic plane. SF2A-2015: Société Française d’Astronomie & d’Astrophysique (SF2A).(poster): Pdf

[Jun-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Mapping the inner stellar halo of the Milky Way from SDSS-III/APOGEE survey. SF2A-2015: Société Française d’Astronomie & d’Astrophysique (SF2A).(poster): Pdf

[Jan-2015] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Using APOGEE Data to Examine Late-K and Early-M Dwarfs.225th AAS Meeting: American Astronomical Society - USA.(poster): Pdf - Fourth author

[Dec-2014] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Potential of the Galaxy from the Besançon galaxy model including a non-axisymmetric component: Preliminary results. International meeting:The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia. GREAT Science from the Gaia Data Releases, 01-05 December, Barcelona. (poster): Pdf

[Nov-2014] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Dynamics analysis of lens group SL2SJ02140-0535: Preliminary results. Galaxy Groups: Workshop, Chile. (poster): Pdf - Co-author

[Nov-2012] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado et al.; Search of RR Lyrae stars around Omega Centauri (NGC5139). Reading the book of globular clusters with lens of stellar evolution: 26-28 november 2012, Italy. (poster): Pdf



[Dec-2014] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado; La Voie lactée à partir du Besançon. Ecole - Besançon/France. (talk): Pdf

[Aug-2014] J. G. Fernandez-Trincado; The abundance of Bullet-groups in LCDM. TERCERA REUNIÓN DE ESTUDIANTES DE ASTRONOMÍA: 7-9 de Agosto de 2014, Guanajuato, Mexico. (talk): Pdf
